May the force be with you!

Nu har X antal människor frågat vilka det är som skriver på på denna blogg, och ja menar det är ju inte alls jobbigt när folk skriver, nej as roligt, verkligen skit kul...(eller)? Nåt som är kul och jätte skumt är att vi hade 60 läsare efter bara några timmar igår, och dom värkar kika in idag med!

EmilsEtta members ↓
:Obi-Wan Kenobi
:Jar Jar
Kådnamn: Obi-Wan Kenobi

Postat av: Captain oh Captain

Once upon a time a bunch of more or less drunk guys decided to create a blog, not a very original idea, but still quite fun. I mean, why not?

They wrote a couple of posts touching subjects as nothing, nothingness and absolutely nothing(?????).

Time went on and they slowly started realizing their blog wouldn't be famous that easy.

So one of the blog's members came up with the splendid idea of creating aliases for one and each member of the blog. This wouldn't only be super cool but also create a certain mystique around the blog - Who is who and who writes what?

Geeks as they are they ended up using old Star-wars aliases(I mean guys comon', really?!?!).

Now with fresh nicknames and cool design these brave and loyal men set out to conquer the internet with their hilarious stories and extraordinary way of describing them(????).

I wish them the best of luck doing this.

To be continued / the captain.

2010-01-10 @ 21:38:59
Postat av: EmilsEtta

Vill du joina, captain? :) puss

2010-01-10 @ 23:39:15

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